What I Packed In My Hospital Bag

As part of my baby prep, I found it helpful to see what other people packed in their hospital bags, in addition to general “What To Pack” checklists. I felt like I kept it fairly light, but still didn’t use a lot of the stuff I packed. I wanted to share what I brought, what I didn’t use, and what the hospital also provided.

For Baby

For Labor & Delivery

  • Frida Mom Delivery and Nursing Gown

    • I was worried the hospital gown was going to agitate me, especially since I don’t like needles and I was planning to get an epidural, so I got this as a softer option. I didn’t wear it for delivery but I wore it the next day for recovery in the hospital

  • Compression Socks

    • Didn’t wear these and was advised against wearing them during and after labor

  • Bodily Cozy Socks

    • I wore the hospital disposable grippy socks immediately after delivery and wore these the next day to avoid getting any blood on them

For Recovery




  • I was immediately put on a liquid diet after we were admitted so I barely ate any of the snacks we brought except for the granola bites and some gluten-free muffins the day after. We ordered most of our snacks and meals from the hospital cafe

For Going Home


How to Score the Best Shopping Deals for Baby


Under-The-Kitchen-Sink Organization